True friends are always by your side,
even when you’re hanging on the edge of life and death.
True friends are the pearls of life,
the gifts of life – in every size and color.
A true friend listens to you in silence,
even when you’re speaking in silence.
I am grateful for my true friends,
they have helped me out of the muddy waters.
So I do the same – for all my friends.
Taking care of each pearl gifted on life’s path.
The story of the poem
I remember listening to a conversation between a couple of people about friendship, and it somehow touched me. This happened on September 16, 2019. I started reflecting on how many friends I have true – friends. Different moments began to come to mind, where I recognized a true friend – their care, their listening, and their understanding. That’s how these lines came together. Thank you and my deepest respect to all true friends – not just mine, but you know who the pearls of your life are, and it’s possible that you are a pearl to someone else too. Shine bright, pearls.